Well, the heat function and pulse is a great add on for this massager. Usually, the heat should at between 40°C and 60° C (104°F –140 ° F) to increase blood flow and loosen tight muscles. A study in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (2023) reports that it only takes 15 minutes before applying heat can result in a muscle flexibility increase by up to 25% while soreness drops at least around 20%.
The Pulse function of the EL to ASG converts way faster than 1 Hz, it goes all up into the frequency realm where you stimulate deep tissue vibration. This can improve muscle recovery. According to a study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, pulse therapy can offer up to 30 percent reduction in muscle tension and increase recovery time by about 20 percent when applied routinely.
As users claim in their testimonials. Seventy-Five percent experienced 75% relief from muscle pain and better relaxation while using a massager with heat & pulse functions-Wellness Daily, in 2024. On the whole, people found that their satisfaction increased by 40% when they used a product with both of these attributes compared to using products made up only one.
Physical therapy experts also support this functionality. Emily Carter, a physical therapist: “ A massage gun is very effective to help with pain management and muscle recovery in chronic diseases due to the combined treatment of heat based pulse therapy.
For further information as to what the Impact Massager with Heat and Pulse feature, please visit this link.