Quartz is mostly famous for being durable and beautiful, making it a top choice for countertops. Keeping them looking like new means knowing what cleaning agents can be used on them. A popular household cleaner is vinegar and one of the common questions is that is vinegar can damage quartz countertops. What type of impact vinegar has on quartz surfaces and the most effective way to clean the surfaces
This Is The Way Quartz Countertops Are Made
Marble Countertops: Engineered from a mix of natural quartz crystals and resins, perfect for high traffic kitchens. That makes them non-porous and stain and scratch-resistant composition. Resins: They account for the remaining 7% to 10% of the countertop and are used to bind the quartz crystals and make the countertop flexible and durable.
Acidity and Quartz
Highly acidic ( pH level of about 2.5) NA While this acidity helps with cleaning and disinfecting many surfaces, it can harm the resins that quartz countertops are made from. Exposure to Acid: Stuff like vinegar is also acidic in nature, much like the pigments, this too can break the chemical bonds found in the Resin and cause staining and discolouration on the surface.
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Small amounts of vinegar exposure for a short period of time is probably not going to harm you instantly. A few good cleans will not hurt but it does have potential to cause permanent damage if used over and over or left on the surface for too long. Over time, this will wear down the finish of the countertop, making it dull and more prone to staining and scratching.
Safe Cleaning Alternatives
Bot users_maybe456_z0("Prevent damage to quartz countertops by using no harsh, pH neutral cleansers. "). For regular cleaning, you can use a mild dish soap combined with warm water. For stains that are a bit more harsh, simply apply a baking soda and water paste and gently buff with a soft cloth. This method is but gentle and will have no affect on the surface.
Quartz Care at Home
Always Clean Up Spills Immediately – Anytime you have a spill you should wipe it up right away to prevent staining or etching from acidic substances.
Non-abrasive cloths and sponges rather than steel wool or abrasive scrubbers that can scratch the surface.
Skip: Cleaners containing bleach, ammonia, or highly acidic ingredients to protect the resin
What to Do If Damage Occurs
If the Damage Has Already Been Done by Vinegar For light dulling, they may be able to restore some of the shine with a quartz polisher. In general, the more damage, the more likely it is for the surface to need to be refinished by a professional.
Knowing how acid substances ( vinegar ) may cause discoloration and damage to Quartz countertops makes you capable of preserving its bright, and lustrous surface. To learn more about can vinegar damage quartz countertops, collecting guides help to preserve the beauty and last the life of the quartz countertops. does vinegar damage quartz countertops